Friday, March 5, 2010

March information for Angel Choir

The Angel's Choir will sing on Sunday, March 21st. This will be the last time for this school year, and we hope to have a good turnoutfor Janice and the choir. It would be so awesome to have all 25 kids up there singing. We will also be presenting the 3rd graders with their Bibles on that Sunday so please pass the word. If parents work there will be children's church, and we still would like the kids to come and sing. Also please mark the date for the Family Night... March 31st from 5-7. We will need adults to help with the various activities and keep supplies at the tables etc. We also will need hard-boiled eggs for dyeing Easter Eggs, donations of wrapped candy or little eggs with candies or prizes to hide for Easter Egg hunt, we could use the Casey's pizza coupons on the boxes or donations for pizza, garlic bread, chips, desserts. There will be a note in church Sunday to fill out if there is a way you can help or give me an email or call. Thanks so much. Barb

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