Saturday, October 20, 2007


The United Methodist Church Children's and Youth Sunday School invite all the children and their parents to come and meet the "TRANSFORMERS" on October 31st from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Malvern Community Building Gym.

The Youth Group will be providing carnival games, refreshments, cookies and treat bags. Parents are encouraged to stay and enjoy watching their children win prizes at the games.

The Sunday School will be having a carved pumpkin contest. So bring in your "already carved" pumpkin to the community building that night for the contest. The winner will be announced at 7:30p.m.

If there are any questions please contact Mike or Sarah Naeve at 624-8815.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Third Annual Community Dinner

The 3rd Annual Free Community Dinner (Sit Down with a Stranger and Leave with a Friend) will be held on NOVEMBER 17th this year. Our Purpose: To show those that attend that Christians are loving people. That we care about them and invite them into the family if they so chose. (If they just want to grab a quick bite and not stick around to fellowship that is OK too! - And people say I am too serious!!!) No pressure just presence! His Presence in and through us!
Menu: Maid-rites (Loose Meat Sandwiches/sloppy Joes), hot dogs, Mac & Cheese, chips, Lemonade, Water & Coffee. We ask our Church members, Strahan UMC and the Baptist Church to get involved again this year by bringing a salad or a dessert.
We will also again be calling the shut ins to see if they would like a meal delivered. Please see Jan and Gary Hustak to add a name to the list.
If someone is interested in decorating for the event let me know. We may have entertainment if someone is interested in getting that organized. We realize that most people that attend just want to sit and talk so it will be more or less just background music that we will need.
An article will be sent to the Leader and invites will be printed up. Together we can make this Community Dinner great.

Thank you,
Brenda Scott

Family Fall Outing!

We're headed for the Hills....the Hawthorne Hills that is!!!
A fall outing is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 10th. Please meet at the Church at 4:45 p.m. We will car-pool to a farm just east of Emerson. Hot dogs, hay rides, corn mazes and more for only $4 per individual.
Please contact Sue Roenfeld at 624-8744 if you plan to attend.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wonderful Website Work!

Pastor Kim has added a HTML only version of the Chimes in addition to the PDF version on the church's website Please click on HTML to view and PDF if you want to print as PDF will be quicker to download.Anyone visiting can click on a link to go to our new church website. Thanks to Bev Dashner for also adding several Meta tags so people can find our website easier in search engines.

Be Transformed

Summer is over, the school year has begun. You may not be in school any longer but as disciples we are to continue learning and letting God transform us. Disciple actually means learner. Jesus calls us Christians - disciples, he wants us to continually learn and grow. As we learn and grow, we are to help others learn and grow. The Bible also tells us that all Christians are ministers. We may not be the “Pastor” but we all have been given the opportunity and responsibility to help the Holy Spirit bring others to faith in Christ. “Go make disciples” is not an option for Christians, and it is not a suggestion. It is the United Methodist vision and our individual Church’s mission statement but it first came from Jesus himself.Is it too much to ask? When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask? What has he done for you? He chose to lay aside the privileges of his deity to live on earth as a man. “He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal’s death on a cross” Philippians 2:7-8. He felt what it was like to be tired, cold, and hungry. His purpose was to bridge the gap between us and God. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins the Bible says. It also says we have all missed the mark, that we have ALL sinned. I encourage you to read Romans 3:21-31. Sin is not just about what we do that may be against God’s will but it is also NOT doing those things that He wants us to do.Think that you are not equipped or don’t know enough? He never asks us to do what he has not equipped us to do. What ever he is leading you to do he has equipped you to do (or will equip you as soon as you step out in faith). You may not FEEL like it! In fact Satan usually makes sure we don’t FEEL like doing anything God wants us to do. God does not want us being a slave to our feelings he does not say “if you feel like it”, he says “Have faith!” When we do HE will prove himself faithful and YOU WILL BE BLESSED for being a blessing.You have free will and you can decide what kind of life you live. You can decide what kind of sacrifice you give. He will never make you do anything and neither will anyone else.I, like Paul plead with you…give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?You may be thinking that there are ulterior motives on my part or on Paul’s part when he first said this to the early church. I can assure you the reason I say it and why I believe Paul said it…I know what your life on this earth will be like when you do. More peace than you have ever known, forgiveness and unconditional love from someone that will NEVER leave you nor forsake you, a true sense of purpose and a feeling of satisfaction that is unmatched, I could go on and on. This relationship with God is not just for this life but it is also for all eternity.How can you give your body to God? Listen for His direction. Is He urging you to get involved in a small group? Is He maybe encouraging you to teach children or lead a small group? Is he wanting you to give more to the church, by way of prayer, time, or financially?God is gentle and humble in heart. The Holy Spirit urges and counsels us. He brings things to our mind through what we hear, and see. We need to be open and in a receptive state of mind. The Bible says, “Be still and know…”Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.When we stop caring so much about what we want (more money, more friends, fun times, vacations, fancy clothes, nicer cars or houses, better and bigger toys, promotion, recognition, status, etc.) and start caring more about what God wants God will lead us and direct our steps to a life that is beyond imagining. Good, perfect, and pleasing. Paul guarantees you will be pleased and so do I.Some of you may be thinking…I already do this and do that for the church, I am already giving to God. Please…I am just asking you to stop and pray about what you are giving, and sacrificing. Really ask God what HE wants you to do and be willing to do that and that only. Don’t worry, He won’t send you to Africa (against your will)! When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?

Brenda Scott