Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Study Guide Feb. 22nd thru Feb.27th


Monday, February 22: Life Giving Faith; Read John 1:12. Many Christians whose faith and lives testify that they have been converted to Christ do not know the exact day or hour. Even if they can’t remember the specific time, they can be sure that there was a moment when they crossed over the line from death to life.
Tuesday, February 23: Fully Trustworthy; Read Psalm 119: 137-138. In the pages of the Bible, the sins of small and great are frankly addressed, the weaknesses of human nature are admitted, and life is found. The message in every book is straightforward: that message is Jesus Christ. It is the story of God’s redemption of sinful humanity through Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, February 24: The Focal Point; Read Revelation 22:13. Each section of the Bible deals with different aspects of Jesus’ life and its relevance to us. The message in Revelations is the fact that Christ is returning and reigning. The whole world needs to know this story; who will you tell?
Thursday, February 25: Now; Read John 9:4. As Christians, we have such a short time to witness for God. We should be sharing our testimony while we have the chance. If we are ever to study the scriptures, if we are ever to spend time in prayer, if we are ever to win souls for Christ, if we are ever to invest our finances for His kingdom, it must be now. You may not have tomorrow, but you do have today. What will you do for the Lord?
Friday, February 26: Standing Against Satan; Read 1 Peter 5:8-9. No Christian is exempt from the attacks of Satan. Our adversary is personal, aggressive, intelligent, cunning, and destructive, and every day Satan must be resisted. Your greatest contribution to God’s kingdom work is to keep up your daily devotions. Live a clean, honest, humble, Spirit filled life and openly witness for Jesus. Don’t be a pawn of the devil, but a servant for Christ.
Saturday, February 27: Who Will Go? Read Romans 10:14. The risen Christ commands His followers to “go into all the world and preach the good news.” God is calling us to consider His call and wrestle in prayer over the mission He has for us in life. Obedience to Jesus is the only path of no regrets.
(Wisdom., Stilwell., Thomas Nelson., 2008.)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ash Wednesday Service

A joint Ash Wednesday service will be held at the Strahan Church on Wed. Feb. 17th at 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Study Guide Feb. 8th thru 13th


Monday, February 8: Children of God; Read 1 John 3:1. When we commit our lives to Jesus, we become His sons and daughters. Because God is responsible for our welfare, we are told to cast all our cares and anxieties upon Him. God is keenly aware that we are dependent on Him for life’s necessities.
Tuesday, February 9: How’s Your Heart? Read 1 Samuel 16:7. When scripture talks about the heart, it is not talking about just that life sustaining muscle, but rather our entire inner being. The heart is the seat of our emotions, the seat of decisive action, and the seat of belief. The heart symbolizes the center of our moral, spiritual and intellectual life.
Wednesday, February 10: Reprogramming Our Hearts; Read Isaiah 43:4. When we are young, our minds are constantly being programmed by the experiences we have. Later on, those instructions that have been inserted into our brains will try to tell us what to do and think. When the things that have been put into our memories are bad or untrue, we will have problems later in life.
Thursday, February 11: Ruling In Your Heart; Read Luke 17:20. Too many people think that God is to be found by looking within in our minds. Jesus goal was instead to teach us to look within our hearts. This is exactly what happens when we give our life to Christ. More and more each day, may your life clearly reflect the presence of Christ in your life.
Friday, February 12: The Power Of Touch; Read Mark 1:41. How long has it been since you experienced a human touch such as a warm embrace, an encouraging pat on the back, or a friendly handshake? Has it been months or even years? The best way to help the oppressed, the sick and the poor is to touch them with our compassion. Who will you touch in the name of Christ?
Saturday, February 13: Rebuilding Relationships; Read Hebrews 12:14. Is there a relationship that you need to rebuild? Too often people are filled with regret and guilt because they failed to reach out to someone with whom they were at odds. If a broken relationship comes to mind, know that the place to begins within yourself. Are you convinced that rebuilding that relationship is something that God wants you to do?
(Wisdom., Stilwell., Thomas Nelson. 2008.)

Friday, February 5, 2010

February Newsletter

Pastor's Reflections:
There are so many things to pray about in our world and community. It seems like the Winter is just dragging on and it is only January. Many people are telling me about their feelings of depression. We wonder where to turn? We are provided an answer in Psalm 40:2 when it says " you set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure." There are many times when we feel as though we are dealing with life's situations all alone. It is during those challenging times that we need to turn to God. He is the rock that we must stand upon.
We are reminded of that each day as we watch and listen to the news accounts of the disaster in Haiti. So many of those who have survived that earthquake praise God when they are dug out from the rubble. Their faith is what has sustained them, just like it will sustain us in our days of depression and challenges.
Please remember to pray for the shut ins, those in nursing homes, those suffering depression, those who have fallen on the ice, those who are experiencing life style changes and most of all each other. Remember to check up on each other when you notice a difference in someone's daily routine that is an excellent indication that something is wrong. The most important thing that we can do each day is to pray to God for guidance and to sustain us. He will sustain us in our times of frustration and depression. Blessings Pastor Carl

Calling All Actors:

We will be doing a Maundy Thursday play again this year. This will be held on Thursday April 1 at the Malvern church. Last years play went so well that we will try another one this year. Please contact me (Pastor Carl) if you feel that God is urging you to participate. There will be parts for both men and women.

Habitat For Humanity Informational Meeting February 26 at 7 P.M. at Malvern community building. contact Brenda Koger for meal details. Marilyn Hoskins representative from Habitat for Humanity will be the speaker. All area men are invite.

February Opportunities of Service
February Ushers:
Brenda Koger and Cathy Stephens
February Liturgists:
2-7: Kim Frink; 2-14, 21, 28: Harold Tornquist
February Scripture Readers:
2-7 Brenda Koger, 2-14 Harold Tornquist, 2-21 Cathy Stephens, 2-28 Harold Tornquist
Barb Farmer will hold a Blood Pressure Clinic at the church starting at 10:15 a.m on Valentine's Day Feb 14th, 2010 in honor of American Heart Month. Be sure and come for a BP check and special treats!
United Methodist Women (U.M.W.)
Blizzard conditions made it necessary to cancel the regular U.M.W. meeting January 7th. The following Monday afternoon, the executive board met in Chairman Sharon Chickering’s home to plan the U.M.W. program for 2010. The World Day of Prayer service will be hosted by the Methodist Church on Friday March 5th at 9:30 A.M. Pastor Sarah Malone will be giving the program for the annual May Morning Breakfast on May 6th at 9:30 a.m.
A funeral luncheon was served for the family of Beatrice Anderson Saturday January 16th. Mrs. Anderson is Janice Freicks mother.
The next meeting will be 10 p.m. Thursday February 4th in the church. Bonnie Mansfield will present a program on Community Outreach. Mary Anna Hunt and Lola Hasselquist will be hostesses.
All women of the church are welcome to attend any meetings.
Upcoming Events
February 13th: Joint training for Disciples 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
February 14th: Laity Summit @ Griswold, 2:30 –5:00 p.m.
Febraury 14th: Blood Pressure Clinic at the church
February 17th Joint Ash Wednesday service @ 7:00 p.m. @ the Strahan church
February 26th: Habitat for Humanity meeting at the Community Building at 7:00 p.m.. Guest speaker will be Marilyn Hoskins.
March 10th @ 7:30 p.m. SPRC meeting
March 21: Joint Confirmation @ Malvern church during 11:00 service
April 1st: Munday Thursday play at the Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m.
April 2nd: Good Friday joint service with the Baptist and Strahan churches held at the Malvern Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m.
Opportunities to Serve
Please let Pastor Carl know if you are willing to fill the following positions as Judy is moving to Colorado April 2nd.
Newsletter; website, blog and face book updates; send emails; prayer shawls; SOS (support our soldiers); tape the Sunday service;
Hoarding What You Have
Wendy Pope

"I was afraid I would lose your money, so I hid it in the earth. Look, here is your money back." Matthew 25:25 (NLT)

Reality shows are the craze today. You can watch children with problems set on the straight and narrow by The World's Strictest Parents. If you are not happy with your spouse, you can Wife Swap for another spouse while millions watch. The world is also even now invited into the private moments of drug and alcohol interventions.

One of the newest reality shows to hit the airwaves is called Hoarders. People on this show have made a lifestyle out of holding on to what they have. In Hoarders, individuals come face to face with the reality of their problem through intervention and encouragement to clear out their stuff.

Our key verse comes from a story of three servants who were entrusted by their master with his money while he was away. The first two servants pleased their master by multiplying or showing growth of what they had been given. The third servant disappointed his master. He had hidden the money, keeping it safe but also keeping it from earning interest. In other words, he hoarded what his master had given him. Why did he hoard what he had been given?

Scripture gives us the answer. The servant was afraid. He was so consumed by his fear that he did nothing. He was afraid of messing up. He was paralyzed by the thought of doing something wrong or reflecting poorly on his master. In fear, he hid the money and then gave it back.

As I pondered the events of this story my mind drew a picture, a picture I did not like. In the picture I was bowing before my holy Lord, giving back exactly what He entrusted to me, nothing more. I questioned, Am I responding to my Master as this servant responded to his master? Have I fully used or am I fully using, even developing, the gifts and talents He has entrusted to me? Am I hiding what He gave me in fear of messing up?

What about you? How would you answer these questions? It is easy to think we are not good enough or that we are undeserving of God's gifts. Our negative thoughts take us captive, leading us to believe we would reflect poorly upon our Lord if we dared to multiply and grow what He has given us. Today's devotion is our intervention. Now is the time to clear out what we've been hoarding or hiding. Praise God our intervention is not dramatized in front of millions of people. We stand before an audience of One - the only One who matters.

Dear Lord, I apologize for hiding and hoarding anything that You have given me. Help me be a good steward of everything You entrust to me. I want to be used to grow Your Kingdom. Supply the confidence I need to clean out my hiding places. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Malvern United Methodist Church
201 E. 5th Malvern, IA 51551

February Birthdays

Feb. 1st Gary McKinney
Feb. 2nd Roger Johnson
Feb. 3rd Audrey Smeester, Amanda Jensen
Feb. 4th Mike Chauvin
Feb. 5th Angie Doty, Gayleen Babcock
Feb. 6th Rebecca Kim
Feb. 7th Maxine Dickersbach, Jessika Lynn
Feb. 8th Darren Obrecht
Feb. 9th Heijeong Kim , Brooke Sell, Shelby Sommerla
Feb. 10th Janella Stephens
Feb. 12th Zach Hall
Feb. 13th Bev Dashner , Gary Hustak
Feb. 14th Lisa Powles, Joann Poort, Bob Lewis
Feb. 15th Bob Thaller
Feb. 20th Larry Williams

Feb. 21st Jill Ford, Randi West, Brooke Chickering
Feb. 23rd Lyndsi Roenfeld
Feb. 24th Clay Chickering, Bob Baer
Feb. 25th Roger Salyers
Feb. 26th Marsha Jackson, Brenda Scott, Adam Obrecht
Feb. 27th Jessica McCain, Kurt Powles
Feb. 9th Roger & Lavina Johnson
Feb. 11th Allan & Marilyn Burdic

Study Guide Febraury 1st thru 6th


Monday, February 1: Choosing The Right Circle; Read 2 Chronicles 10:8. Be careful what kind of inner circle you choose. When you consider people to be a part of your inner circle, look for someone who has experience and the heart of God. Look for someone who can be objective about life’s situations and has a love for the people. Look for people who have personality traits that compliment yours and are truly concerned about you.
Tuesday, February 2: Extending Your Influence; Read Mark 3:13-15. One of the greatest lessons that I have learned is that the people closest to me determine my level of success or failure. When I find people with leadership qualities and pour my life into them, I find that as they improve, so do I.
Wednesday, February 3: Give Up; Read James 1:2. What price are you willing to pay to be a more effective leader? Many times, as a leader, you will be asked to make sacrifices. These sacrifices may involve lifestyle changes and even time away from your family. God may totally change your thought process in order to make you into a more effective leader.
Thursday, February 4: A Leader Speaks Up; Read Galatians 2:14. Paul reminds us that Christian leaders should remain consistent in their thoughts and actions. When making decisions always consider your motives and be specific about what you expect from people. Don’t undermine someone’s self-confidence, and always be encouraging.
Friday, February 5: The Team Holds The Dream; Read Proverbs 16:15. One of the mistakes that leaders often make is that they focus too much attention on their dream and too little attention on their team. The truth is that if you build the right team, the dream will take care of itself. If you want to achieve your dream, then build the right team.
Saturday, February 6: Earn Trust By Doing The Right Thing; Read Ezra 7:10. Leaders are constantly studying and learning. Leaders earn the respect of their followers and are constantly establishing their connections and earning the respect of others. Leaders are constantly seeking to do the right thing.
(Leadership., Baker. Thomas Nelson., 2003.)

Study Guide January 25th thru 30th


Monday, January 25: Looking Into The Mirror; Read Romans 3:20. Why did God give us the Ten Commandments when He knew that we would break them? He gave them in order to show us that we are sinful and weak, and that we need His mercy. When I look into the mirror of the Ten Commandments, I see that I am a sinner. Then I cry out “God be merciful to me!”
Tuesday, January 26: Talking To God; Read Psalm 107:8. When we truly understand that God is our loving heavenly Father and we are His children, then we won’t worry about disappointing Him with our prayers. God delights in our prayers when they truly express the feelings and desires of our heart.
Wednesday, January 27: No Secrets From God; Read 1 Kings 8:39. God knows everything about us, even our deepest thoughts and motives. We can hide them from other people; we can even hide them from ourselves, but we can’t hide them from God. Thank God for His grace and His willingness to forgive our sins.
Thursday, January 28: Letting Go Of The Past; Read Ephesians 4:31. Have you ever noticed that if you continue to hate someone whatever they did will continue to hurt you? Our anger and hatred just keep opening past emotional wounds. This is one reason that we need to let go of the past with God’s help, and release our anger and hatred and replace it with His love.
Friday, January 29: Using Our Gifts; Read Romans 12:6-8. One of Satin’s oldest tricks is to make us think that we aren’t worth anything and that God can’t use us. This simply isn’t true. God wants to use each of us, and He has equipped every one of us with the gifts we need to serve Him.
Saturday, January 30: He Can Be Trusted; Read Numbers 23:19. Can God’s promises be trusted? Yes, we can trust His promises because He does not lie, nor does He change His mind. He is perfect and holy, and He loves us. God knows your problems, and He can be trusted to be with you. (Wisdom, Stilwell., Thomas Nelson., 2008.)