Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Our church has decided to have a Church Work Day on March 1st. We are planning to begin at 9:00 am and work until we run out of things to do or exhaustion sets in. All are invited to help. (It’s actually fun!)

The Board of Trustees met February 20th at 7:30. After much discussion about things needed at the church it was decided that a new vacuum cleaner as well as a new ladder are two things that are a priority. We will be putting a basket on the table as you enter the church for offerings to purchase these items. Any donation will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!!
Trustee Committee

Saturday, February 9, 2008

"Winter Social Event" @ Strahan

Strahan UMC is hosting a live band from Council Bluffs, Big Bo and the Biscuit Eaters, for "Winter Social Event," which will be held next Sunday, Feb. 17, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Lynn Christensen heard them and they bring back memories for those of us who remember the "old days" of rock music, yet keep the youngsters enthralled and involved.

Their website is where they have a link to see and hear them on youtube.

Their introductory blurb says: Big Bo and the Biscuit Eaters is a distinctly different band. Their blend of classic rock 'n roll and contemporary Christian music keeps them unique in the music field. They perform in public and private schools, at community supporting events and fund-raisers for positive life choice organizations, as well private functions and churches. They are dedicated to performing positive, family-friendly music that everyone can enjoy.

Please get the info to anyone / everyone you think might be interested in a fun evening. ¯

Helen Pollock